RE: Copyright Material (Logo) on ''

From: <>
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 06:48:33 -0500

> Hello Mr Cheenaramen,
>> 1. We believe we are making fair use of that logo to represent Mauritius
>> as it is a national emblem, if you own that image and believe we are not
>> making fair usage of that picture, we will respectfully cease from using
>> it, but you are a stupid annoyance trying to use work of others to be a
>> nuissance to others.
> Your belief is actually breaching a copyright that Mr Pagooah has raised
> as an issue.

:) Hmm did it breach a copyright? Is Nirvan the copyright holder? I think
Logan did explained the legal perspective of this pretty well, unless you
guys do not understand plain english.

Also, you are in no way a copyright organisation.
:) I can start to be very picky and an annoyance if needs be, but I
usually don't indulge in such childishness.

>> 2. Secondly i know you do lack maturity, or maybe you have a short weeny
>> complex, but such matters are usually discussed private emails, but hey
>> i
>> almost forgot professionalism isnt really your trait, i wonder if
>> clients
>> are not worried that you start publishing their private stuffs on public
>> lists.
> Mr Pagooah is known as a young entrepreneur and professional graphic
> designer. He voiced out his concern regarding breach of copyright on
> another matter [1] apart from the issue. I read his email prior
> to yours. He accused you of copying a copyrighted image from the internet
> and claiming it as their logo [2]. In your reply you have
> mentioned using it as your logo but there is no reference to the source of
> the image or credits to the original author. Therefore, I believe Mr
> Pagooah has a justified concern.

:) Ofcourse, because I do not give a piss what Nirvan thinks, or what you
think. Because you do not own this image. :) Like, you know what kind of I
do not give a piss about little piece of shits like you, is like :) I do
not give damn piss :).

:) You are not to include me in a list, I consider this more or less spam.
Because this is an issue that needs to be discussed in private first.

You do realize that by your incompetent analysis of the situation, you are
not only acting like stupid children, but you keep on harassing me, do you
know that harassment online is an offence? Usually, if you feel this logo
breaches some kind of copyright issue, you can either discuss the matter
privately with me, otherwise, you get the author to sue me, but
unfortunately for you, I don't mind taking the logo out if the author

So Miss incompetent creature, can you please moderate properly. Because
seriously this has started to sound like harassment now. If you do not do
your thing properly, maybe its about time you take some classes that
retards can follow.

Which part of I do not want to be on a mailing list didn't you understand.
If it was a legit issue concerning internet in Mauritius I could probably
understand, but this is about a logo that YOU DO NOT OWN, and you are
acting like you own it just to harass me. :) You know, You are not only
harassing me, but you are taking the "law" in your own hands, then you are
assisting Nirvan in committing those two offence.

Can you be a sweetie and moderate this for me please

>> 3. Is there something that you didnot understand last time when we had a
>> meeting on skype after you acted like a kid and shared my facebook page
>> here in an attempt to gain some sympathy? I simply do not want to be on
>> the mailing list, you jave to contact me privately. I know that you are
>> not very bright, i can understand that, but i do not have time for your
>> childishness all the time, i know it is christmas and you want gifts
>> etc,
>> but am not your daddy.
> I confirm that you are not on the mailing list. Mr Pagooah contacted you
> and copied the Mauritius Internet Users mailing list. If you do not want
> your reply to appear on the public archive of the mailing list you can
> remove the address from the CC field.

This is called spamming.
:) Do you want me to do the same and claim that I am cc'ing miu in every
list? I can fill up your disk space pretty quick. But I respect this
association, I respect SM and the goal of the MIU, but I guess, you do not
really understand this implication caused by sending unwanted mail to
people. Well... no wonder :S.

>> 4. For christ sake, i will take down that logo if the author tells me
>> to,
>> dont act as if you own it, but you dont. Infact if you know the author
>> of
>> the logo i would like to have a chit chat with him or her.
> Okay.
>> 5. Merry Christmas.
> Okay.
>> Shelly :) by the rules of this mailing list is Nirvan allowed to spam
>> people who havent registerred in this mailing list by unwanted mails
>> that
>> also with an entire list cc'd.
> The mailing list rather adheres to netiquette than a specifically written
> rules, as we believe in the maturity of Internet Users in Mauritius. When
> issues are brought forward, they are dealt accordingly. Are you
> complaining that Mr Pagooah's email is a spam? I suggest you contact Dr
> Kaleem Usmani, Assistant Manager, CERT-MU, asking his advice on whether Mr
> Pagooah's email breaches any law in Mauritius.

:) explained above. But anyways, its about time, I get those issues you
guys have fixed. :)

>> Pps. As for the gimped logo quality, just compare it to your error 5xx
>> website when it got ddosed and you lied that it was being migrated :).
>> Or
>> atleast thats what i felt when u explained.
> I do not understand this part. Is involved in some DDoS
> activities?

What DDoS activities? :) I thought it was Migration ? :) Hmm you guys
haven't decided on a story yet?

> [1]
> [2]
> Kind regards,
> Shelly

Med Venlig hilsen

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