Hi Yusuf, Ish,
At 11:35 28-03-2017, Yusuf Satar wrote:
>3. I am appalled that I am the first and only one to notice and
>raise this issue, whereas hundreds of educated and well-informed IT
>people have given
>in to the scheme. Many of whom I thought were champions of civil
>liberties. This will have a major impact on IT culture and services.
>Companies are
>dangling free carrots and expecting us to yield our liberties; most
>people will do so happily.
At 13:06 28-03-2017, Ish Sookun wrote:
>I suppose many "free services" on the internet capitalize on users data.
>Some are transparent, some are not. An internet user still has the
>choice to use or not to use a certain service.
>I read this article
>Would a user stop using Google services after reading the same? You
>mentioned the word "liberty". Liberty is about having choice. I would
>say here the choice being "to share" or "not to share" data you provide.
I vaguely recall reading a news article in 2015 which mentioned Ish
as one of the three co-founders of the MSCC. I don't know whether he
is also a shareholder of Agile Media Ltd. I have heard Ish talking
about civil liberties in Mauritius. It is his right to do so as long
as he follows the laws which may apply.
The "free" services are required to have a privacy policy for their
users in the United States. It is also applicable for their users in
Europe. It is not clear whether the privacy policy can be enforced
for users in Mauritius.
S. Moonesamy
Received on Wed Mar 29 2017 - 09:52:26 PST