Hello Ish,Vincent and SM,
I appreciate your views about the creation of another developer network. I am already a member of MSCC, it's great really that they organise regular meetings and I am looking forward for that to continue.
However, the idea of being part of a network of developers doesn't limit to regular meet ups organised by only one person.When am talking about creating the "Mauritian Developers' Network" I'm talking about setting up a real platform composing of a mailing-list like this one, a forum where the community would standout and be accessible by the whole populace, the involvement of each and everybody; by this I mean geeks like you, developers like me, translators and everybody who would like to contribute to the community's projects.
Moreover, in a community of developers we would: share issues and get help from the community members, share ideas and develop them in team, discuss the latest technologies and see how can we implement those in our local context and least but not last be friends that we would be sure we can count on when problems arises.
We can do more, as the LUGM's primary mission is to promote Open-Source software (Ish?), we can develop apps, create online learning websites and post videos and tutorials. We should not only encourage schools and other OUs to use Open-Source software but we can show them how to, put home-made software at their disposal and do much more. As it is understood that the government doesn't rely of Open Source software because of liability and lack of continuous support we can as a team of developers be their support unit, be name they will think of when there is a problem.
Now the real question is; can we be all that?
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 12:31:42 +0400
Subject: Re: Mauritian Developers' Nework (MDN)
From: ish_at_hacklog.in
To: sm+mu_at_elandsys.com
CC: cedricpoottaren95_at_hotmail.com; mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
Hi Cédric,
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:52 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
I tried sharing ideas in Mauritius. It was a one-sided effort. Some of the ideas were reused without appropriate attribution. From what I have seen, the efforts for the last developer conference in Mauritius were mostly from expatriates. There were two messages on this mailing list about creating software-related groups. I don't know what happened.
Yes, the work of expats in the Developers Conference 2015 was commendable. Can we blame them if Mauritians did not show that much interest? Can we blame the Mauritians who did not get leaves during the week days to plan, help & participate in the same? Can we blame those who did not make an effort to get the leaves from work to participate?
I am not against a Developers Community. I would only suggest not having "another" Developers Community. The Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community is here and open to anyone who would like to do stuffs.
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Wed May 27 2015 - 09:32:53 PST