Hi guys
I am actually one of the admin for Webcup Mauritius website. You guys are
right it is a wordpress and the choice of the theme can always be discussed
but at the end of the day it is not really our choice .... The website is
managed by the team in la Reunion and other countries like us do not have
full admin access. Which is normal as the competition is not only in
Mauritius but in Indian Ocean so it need to be centralized somehow and to
satisfy everyone.
Webcup registration will be officially launched on Monday in Port Louis and
regarding security issues well... you guys should know better than other
that 100% security does not exist in our sector :)
I also want to share with you that the core organization team of the Webcup
is composed of 4 voluntary workers only to organize an event in
coordination with Reunion,Mayotte,Comoros Madagascar and Seychelles...
If you think that something is not rightly done, well we will be happy to
receive your assistance ! at the end of the day we are not paid for doing
this and it is the community that is benefiting of it so let me know if you
guys are ready to help :)
Lastly regarding web agency installing only a purchased theme and a logo
you can imagine that when a client is asking for a 10 000 MUR website he
gets what he pays for. Quality cost money obviously and many agencies are
lowering down the prices on the local market because clients are simply not
ready to pay. It will change one day maybe but you have now the situation
where good agencies prefer to sell abroad than to work for peanuts on the
local market... that is sad but mentally are evolving and I think it will
be better in a near future
Good night
e: vincent_at_pongosoft.com
m: +230 52520766
On 9 April 2015 at 22:55, Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in> wrote:
> Hi SM,
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 9:46 PM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
>> Congratulations on your appointment to the ICT Advisory Council. :-)
> ​Thank you​ :-)
>> I found the following for last year's WebCup: http://maurice.webcup.fr/
>> actualites-webcup-maurice-2014/proud-geek-le-grand-gagnant-2014-1007.html
>> "google" added the following comment:
>> "Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. [[ » ] Edit or delete
>> it,
>> then start blogging!"
>> It is faster to buy a HTML template when nobody will notice it. :-)
> ​As per this page (
> http://maurice.webcup.fr/webcup-2015-informations-inscriptions) it seems
> the organisers of WebCup have created a "private group" on Facebook to
> educate/guide participants; while the web version of the regulations[1] is
> awaiting a "mise à jour".
> The website has poor UI if you consider the different size of fonts used
> and the placement of texts. This color combination is horrible.
> The following page (http://www.webcup.fr/espace-presse) mentions that
> registration for WebCup 2015 has started as from 30 March 2015. However, on
> the earlier mentioned page I highlighted the lack of information regarding
> registration & regulations. WebCup looks like it's organized by people who
> know little about the web.
> [1] http://maurice.webcup.fr/webcup-2015-informations-inscriptions​
> Regards,
> --
> ​Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
> - I blog at HACKLOG.in.
> https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Thu Apr 09 2015 - 20:51:38 PST