On Thursday, March 12, 2015 07:06:34 PM chitz wrote:
> Re: Technology
> From: chitz <chittra.03_at_gmail.com>
> To: jheengut_sagar_at_yahoo.co.uk
> CC: S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>,
> mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com Hi
> I will like to highlight a point
> Agree chinese products are cheaper giving good or average output but
> be careful you have no idea which softwares are given along.
> If you analyse from security point of view the chinese market will not
> give you same software same security like Apple
> At least apple will keep its status.if you are paying more you are
> also encouraging them to think of security. If you have complaints
> tomorrow there will be a fix available what about chinese products
> I am not against cheap price but where we stand now security is
> crucial
> Regards
> Chitz
But you do agree that apple invade your private life.
Even lenovo inserted malware in is laptop and continue to do so.
And apple and windows products though secure have many backdoors to nsa,
cia and to your worst enemies.
Received on Sun Mar 15 2015 - 03:35:02 PST
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