Bonjour à tous,
Pour ma part, tout est sujet à la communication que nous avons avec le
Avoir un réel échange, par email, téléphone et un contact personnalisé.
Nous sommes des registrars, des portes étendards du .MU Et pourtant, nous
sommes seul bien souvent sans supervision ou conseil.
le est là quand on a des soucis même si parfois on a des sueurs
froides en attendant l'email avec 48h de délai mais ils sont là.
Vendre un domain name à $50 et le vendre plus cher sur un marché mauricien
est difficile si on doit faire du chiffre.
Le marché est petit et on vend la prestation surtout accompagné d'une
solution avec hébergement.
sans ça, c'est la ruine.
Concernant la rapidité de la connection, on est tous à la même enseigne. En
espérant que la fibre se démocratise qu'on aille plus vite, toujours plus
vite et moins cher!
Ce que j'aimerai savoir réellement, c'est le rôle de chacun.
Le NIC, le Gouvernement, nous et le propriétaire du .MU
Le .MU avec l'histoire du a perdu de la crédibilité.
Le domain name toujours indisponible et inutilisé...
Je veux parler de la crédibilité du .MU auprès de nos clients. Pourquoi
choisir un .MU en faveur d'un .COM
Son référencement auprès de Google, pour moi, c'est les vrais questions à
poser pour nous donner des arguments de ventes et de quoi alimenter des
2015-03-14 22:38 GMT+04:00 Benoit Gentil <>:
> Dear all,
> I'm adding Jean-Philippe from Legekko Info Ltd to the discussion so that
> he can read the other registrars comments. He unfortunately wasn't able to
> attend the meeting due to personal issues.
> Best Regards,
> Benoit Gentil
> On 14/03/2015 22:01, Stephanie Lan wrote:
> Hello S Moonesamy,
> Thank you for your follow-up mail from the meeting. Please find my
> comments below:
> 1) Technically, we have not seen a problem with .mu. At the end of the
> day, our main concern is technical stability. What is important for us
> (regarding .mu domains) is to be able to provide the service to our
> customers:
> - register .mu domain names on their behalf
> - renew, update those domain names
> - attend to transfer requests etc
> We are able to do all the above and do not encounter technical issues with
> .mu.
> With the nature of our business, we need the best and most stable
> internet connection. We have tried 4 of the major internet providers and
> were very disappointed with their connection speed and stability. If we
> have to find an issue with running a registrar, it's with the internet
> connection rather than with the .mu itself.
> 2) Comments on what other Registrars have already mentioned:
> a) Cost $50
> $50 is quite expensive compared to a .com domain. We've registered .com
> domains for customers but many customers would still prefer .mu domains
> because of the choice of names they have. The .com domains are normally
> very restricted and longer. It is the customer's choice afterall. We also
> had a few customers registering .mg (Madagascar) at $120 and one customer
> wanting to register .nf (Norfolk Island). The .nf domain was at $1200 .
> While the .mu domain is not cheap, it's still more affordable than some
> others.
> For small business owners in Mauritius, a cheaper option will certainly be
> welcome.
> b) Transfers
> My experience is that transfers can be a very short OR a very long
> process.
> This depends on whether the customer has the authorisation code or not.
> With an authorisation code, we can request a transfer instantly. If a staff
> (registrant) does not have access to his company's domain name (e.g. a
> previous staff registered a domain and did not update the contact details),
> yes this process can be lengthy (1-2 weeks depending on how fast they can
> prove their current Registrar that they are the actual owner of the domain
> name). This does NOT imply there is a problem with .mu.
> Pricewise, I agree that $50 transfer fee can be reduced.
> c) Grace Period
> We have noticed that the grace period is currently 1 day (?). Domains that
> are expired get suspended the next day. We were able to renew some domain
> names without any charge on the same day because some customers have paid
> immediately. But if the domain is not renewed, it is deleted within 1 day.
> We find that 1 day is very short for customers to organise payment and
> would like a longer grace period (1-2 weeks). A lot of customers do not
> renew their domain name on time (they wait until last minute and other
> priorities come up) or they simply did not receive the Registry's "about to
> expire" notices.
> A longer grace period will save a lot of frustrations/griefs.
> d) website
> The "problem" listed by Neetish was not a problem with .mu registry but
> with their website.
> Last year, there was 1 instance where the registry's site (registrars'
> access) was down for several hours. This did not affect any of our
> customers' domains.
> We were unable to renew domains during that time too and renewed after the
> site was back. If any of our customers' domains were to expire on that day,
> we would have sent a request to the Registry to renew our domains on time
> since their site was down.
> .mu, Is therefore a problem? I also agree that there is not an issue
> with .mu, just a few recommendations to improve.
> These recommendations will help run our registrar. Some of the "problems"
> listed by other Registrars are not actually problems with the .mu registry
> but wishes for changes to the .mu domain pricing and grace period.
> Best Regards,
> ***************************************
> Stephanie Lan
> Manager
> email:
> **************************************
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 9:45 PM, Icy Evolution Web Hosting <
>> wrote:
>> Hello SM,
>> Thank you for providing the updates. I'd like to add the following from my
>> side:
>> 1. I consider the $50 fee for .mu domain expensive too, when we know that
>> a
>> USD is nearly Rs 36 today. As registrars we have no choice than to
>> increase
>> the domain retail price so that we will at least have a small margin of
>> profit. We should be able to pay in Euro just like before or at least use
>> a
>> fixed price in Mauritian Rs. It's a pain to keep adjusting our MUR retail
>> price based on the fluctuation of the USD.
>> 2. I agree with Benoit concerning the transfer fee of USD 50 too. When you
>> transfer a .com domain, you get a one year renewal together with the
>> transfer. In the case of .mu, you have to pay USD 50 to only transfer the
>> domain and another renewal price to renew it. My suggestion to the
>> registry
>> is to waive this transfer fee or at-least, reduce it to something like
>> $10-$15. A transfer fee which is the same as a renewal fee does not make
>> sense in my opinion.
>> 3. Accreditation process: As at the last update I had last year, the new
>> minimum is now 50 domains, not 20.
>> 4. Grace period: A major problem since even if you miss payment by one
>> day,
>> you have to pay thrice the fee to reactivate the domain. I think that the
>> registry could have offered at least 1 week of grace period.
>> Overall: I don't think there is a problem with .mu in itself. There is a
>> problem with how the business is being done which penalizes the registrars
>> as well as the clients.
>> Best Regards,
>> Tewin Sham
>> Creative Director
>> Icy Evolution
>> Tidal Waves Ltd - BRN: C13115298
>> 4th Floor Ebene Heights,
>> 34 Cybercity,
>> Ebene - Mauritius
>> Mobile: +230 57076059 (Orange) - +230 57246634 (Emtel)
>> Web: - -
>> The information in this email is intended only for the use of the
>> addressee.
>> If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
>> dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be
>> unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify Tidal
>> Waves Ltd immediately and erase all copies of the message.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: S Moonesamy []
>> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 8:30 PM
>> To:; Viv Padayatchy;
>> Stephanie
>> Lan; Frederic de Comarmond; Benoit Gentil; Kamal Rambauz; Neetish
>> Khorugdharry;
>> Subject: Meeting with .mu registrars
>> Hello,
>> I had a meeting with the .mu registrars this morning. Jude Rabbani from
>> and Stephanie Lan from were unable to attend
>> the
>> meeting. There were only two .mu registrars, Benoit Gentil from Fody
>> Technologies and Neetish Khorugdharry from Cybernaptics at the meeting.
>> I gave a presentation about "whether there is a .mu problem" as an
>> introduction. I then asked for the .mu registrars to comment about the
>> topic. Benoit Gentil considered that USD 50 for a .mu domain name is
>> quite
>> expensive. He commented that there isn't a margin to sell .mu domain name
>> to clients. He mentioned that there is USD 50 transfer fee and a USD 50
>> renewal free for a registrant to transfer a .mu domain name. Benoit
>> Gentil
>> considered the lack of automation between .mu registrars as a problem; it
>> sometimes takes several days to get a .mu domain transferred from one .mu
>> registrar to the other. There wasn't a proper accreditation process for
>> .mu
>> registrars; anyone with more than 20 .mu domain names can become a
>> registrar. He also mentioned that there isn't a grace period after a
>> domain
>> name expires. In his opinion, there wasn't any technical problem with
>> .mu.
>> Neetish Khorugdharry did not notice any major technical issues. He
>> commented that there was a problem with web site which lasted
>> several days last year. The renewal of a domain name can only be done on
>> the day the domain name expire. He considered that as a problem.
>> At the end of the meeting I asked the .mu registrars whether they are of
>> the
>> opinion that there is a .mu problem and they agreed that there was a
>> problem.
>> Benoit Gentil and I met Frederic de Comarmond from goCloud in the
>> afternoon
>> as he was unable to attend the meeting. We discussed about the .mu ccTLD.
>> Frederic de Comarmond commented that the issues are due to a communication
>> problem between the .mu registry and the .mu registrars. He suggested
>> that
>> the .mu registrars have a meet the .mu registry to discuss about their
>> problems. At the end of that meeting I asked him whether there was a .mu
>> problem. Frederic de Comarmond stated that there isn't a .mu problem.
>> I would be grateful if the other .mu registrars could comment about
>> whether
>> there is a .mu problem or not by 16 March. If there aren't any comments I
>> will consider that the other .mu registrars do not have any opinion about
>> whether there is a .mu problem or not.
>> Regards,
>> S. Moonesamy
Directeur / Consultant en Communication
Jean-Philippe Caussin de Perceval
Tel portable: 919 4810
Directeur des Publications
Archipel lane Calodyne
Ile Maurice
Received on Sat Mar 14 2015 - 19:28:37 PST