Dear SM
Thank you for your query.
I will pass on the query to concerned officers for a reply.
Rajnish Hawabhay
On 4/14/17, 7:09 AM, "S Moonesamy" <> wrote:
Dear Mr Hawabhay,
I am contacting your Ministry as it is the data
processor, under the Data Protection Act, for the
National Identity Card. Please do let me know if
you are not the appropriate contact.
According to the Ministry of Technology,
Communication and Innovation, there is the
following text in the User Declaration Form:
"I have no objection that my fingerprint minutiae be processed and
recorded for the purpose of producing my identity card. I understand that
this information will be erased permanently from the register once the
identity card has been printed."
I have asked the Data Protection Office for
advice about the above and it confirmed that the
person will be providing his/her consent by signing the above.
There is a news article in June 2015 (
) with the following: "ministère de la
Communication, de la Technologie et de
l’Innovation avise le public que les mesures
suivantes seront prises". I could not find the
announcement when I visited the web site of the
Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation to verify it.
I read in another news article (
) that "des officiers du ministère, les experts
singapouriens et tous ceux ayant participé à
l’exercice de destruction des données devront
jurer un affidavit". Are those affidavits
available for verification or is there any
information available for me to locate those affidavits?
Is the citizen being required by law to have
his/her fingerprint minutiae processed? If so,
why does he/she have to give his/her consent for that?
I do not have any information to understand that
fingerprint minutiae will be erased. I am being
asked to agree to a clause in the User
Declaration Form when I cannot determine whether
it is correct are not. According to the Data
Protection Office, the "responsibility for
compliance with the legal requirement falls
directly on the data controller and "the data
controller should destroy such data as soon as
reasonably practicable". I have tried to contact
the data controller for the National Identity
Card; I did not receive any reply. I found that
odd given that the Code of Ethics for Public Officers states that:
"It is the duty of Public Officers to give to the public any
information required or advice and to provide reasonable
assistance. Public Officers shall help the public to understand
their rights and obligations."
Why am I being asked to state something when it
is up to the data controller to state that it
will be erasing the information permanently once
the identity card has been printed?
S. Moonesamy
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