Dear Ms Aruna,
I am copying this message to the three members of the ICT Advisory
Council who represent consumers during the meetings of the ICT
Advisory Council so that they are kept aware about matters relating
to slow internet access.
Thank you for acknowledging my complaint within the next working
day. I was contacted by a Mauritius Telecom employee at 12:50 p.m.
and he treated the complaint courteously.
I did a speedtest to facilitate the work of the Mauritius Telecom
employee as he was helpful. Could you please inform the Mauritius
Telecom employee that the results were similar to the results of the
test done while he was talking to me. I also did a test with and the results were as follows:
:::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Download Connection Speed:: 10220 Kbps or 10.2 Mbps
Download Speed Test Size:: 5.7 MB or 5823 kB or 5962359 bytes
Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 1278 kB/s or 1.3 MB/s
Tested At:: Version 15
Test Time:: 2015-12-18 06:50:18 Local Time
Client Location:: MU
Client Host:: Telecom Plus Ltd
Compare:: 448% faster than host avg, 218% faster than country avg,
45% faster than world index
1MB Download in 0.8 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~14 Minutes - 183X
faster than 56K
This test of exactly 5823 kB took 4.671 seconds to complete
I would be grateful if you could forward the following to the
Customer Relations Management Unit:
According to the Mauritius Telecom complaints handing policy [1]
Mauritius Telecom is supposed to keep the customer continuously
informed of progress. The Mauritius Telecom employee told me that
you will be contacting me to inform me of the
progress. Unfortunately, Ms Aruna did not send me any email to
explain whether it was my connection which was slow or whether it was which was slow.
I unfortunately could not greet Ms Aruna correctly as Ms Aruna did
not provide her family name when she replied to my email. I guess
that it is the local tradition to hide the family name as there is an
erroneous belief that the person will remain anonymous. Isn't that
practice against the transparent approach promoted by Mauritius Telecom [1]?
Could I be provided with a technical explanation about why Mauritius
Telecom considers speedtest [2] as the best way to test the download
speed of internet connection provided to a consumer?
S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Dec 18 2015 - 16:01:39 PST