ICT Authority, annual reports missing?

From: S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 05:37:54 -0800


I read
http://hacklog.mu/ict-authority-annual-reports-missing/ According to
the screenshot, the national regulator for the ICT sector and Postal
Services in Mauritius has not published its annual report since
2012. The explanation from the Director of Marketing & Communication
of the ICT Authority is that the annual report(s) has been submitted
to the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation. I
gather that it is up to the Ministry to authorize the public release
of the annual reports.

Based on the reply [1] from the Chairperson of the ICT Advisory
Council and the blog article, it is doubtful that the other members
of the ICT Advisory Council have any concern about the missing annual
reports. I wonder what is in those ICTA annual reports given there
hasn't been made available to the public since several years.

S. Moonesamy

1. http://lists.elandnews.com/archive/mauritius/internet-users/2015/10/3793.html
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