> > I would like to have your opinion as a member of the ICT Advisory
> > Council about the following question: Should Facebook be blocked if a
> > few persons use it to send messages which might cause to social unrest?
I am not a member of the ICT Advisory Council but it seems to be an interesting topic so I will definitely comment.
This is my personal opinion:
>Blocking web sites or social networks is usually viewed as censorship. >It harms the reputation [1] of a country when its political appointees decide >to block a social network. According to press reports the police has been able >to identify the persons who sent messages which are in breach of Section 46. >As you mentioned, people will use other social networks if one of them is blocked.
I don't think that blocking Facebook after shouting out loud that we are living on a smart Island is a good way to start.Of course people will start using other social networks. They will always find a way to interact on the Internet.The only solution to ensure that there will no longer be such problem is to block all social networks (maybe this will encourage people to start using emails) or maybe block the Internet itself!
I Googled the number of Facebook requests sent by the Government and Mauritius was not on the list.
What happened? There were so many issues and news articles regarding Facebook during the past years so how come no request was recorded?
I know that we can report someone's FB profile and the later will be asked identification proof in case it's a fake profile or if a picture and unwanted comments are posted. Does Facebook have a record of the number of FB Profiles reported per Country because I couldn't find one.
Kind regards,Shelly
Received on Fri Sep 11 2015 - 18:07:55 PST