Hi Irshaad, Ish,
At 09:37 07-09-2015, Irshaad Abdool wrote:
>_at_SM: I think you missed a point in your message.
>The Rs.100,000 was for the purchase of the
>"backup-tapes" used for the duplication/backup
>of the database before its destruction. [1 - 2nd column 3rd paragraph]
Thanks for the correction. The figure was from
The article (see image) which you shared is less
confusing than "Le Mauricien". "Le Mauricien"
reported 947,000 new card holders while the
article reported that there are 981,000 new card holders.
At 08:20 08-09-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>The current model of the ID Card is based on identification of the person.
From what I have seen the ID card is currently
used for visual identification only.
At 08:44 08-09-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>The deadline for getting the new ID Card has
>been extended till 31 January 2016.
>Unfortunately, I could not find any communiqué
>on government websites, I do not know if gov
>staff use it to post information for citizens of
>they outsource those to media outlets.
There is some information at
>The ICT Advisory Council has been given projects
>selected by the ministry. Somehow it is the
>ministry that is advising the council on how to
>advise back the ministry. That is my personal opinion.
It sounds like the ICT Advisory Council "consists
of a handle attached to a piece of carved rubber
and that is dipped in ink and then pressed on
paper to print a date, name, symbol, etc". :-)
S. Moonesamy
Received on Tue Sep 08 2015 - 16:14:40 PST