Hello SM
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 6:25 PM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> You mentioned that students have the right to choose. I would agree to
> that if we were only discussing about topics such as how to configure your
> computer. The topics we cover on this mailing list are several levels
> beyond that. I could choose not to provide the information for free. I
> don't do that as it would be selfish. I don't think that it is too much to
> ask of a student to subscribe with his/her university email address if
> he/she wishes to learn new things. If the students views using their
> university email addresses as a problem the students can still learn by
> using the web to access the mailing list.
> I agree the topics on here is more than just about configuring a computer.
This group has been founded to gather people who uses internet ,that is
stakeholders irrespective of their educational or vocational background,
hence it will be indeed selfish to mention money. It is not really too much
to ask students to use their university mail. Personally I will not mind to
use it. The only thing that I find not nice is that the rule is being
forced on us.
Different members will have different levels of interest on different
topics, hence you can't really force participation in this list. If someone
has subscribed to this list ,it is because they are already interested for
the quest but if they are dormant for too long after subscribing then I
agree it is better to drop the load.
If university students are being forced to use their uni mail, people
working should use their employer provided mail address since they are also
learning from the mailing list. do you agree ?
*Omdeep Gokhool*
*Bsc Applied Computing*
*University of Mauritius *
Received on Sun Jul 19 2015 - 08:36:20 PST