Hi Ish,
> "MT shall have the right to examine the use of the Service by the
> Subscriber and to disclose such use to third parties for legal or
> statutory purposes, in order to identify misuse or abuse of the
> Service, or to ensure the smooth running of and identify faults in its
> network."
> I would like to know if "use of the service" is synonymous to
> "filtering of internet traffic".
That seems like an odd question. The paragraph is fairly clear: they
are allowing themselves to *snoop *on your internet traffic, and report
it to the government. It doesn't have anything to do with traffic
I couldn't find anything in their terms and conditions
http://myt.orange.mu/pdf/my_account/conditions_generale.pdf> which
covers filtering, although they mention throttling "very heavy users" in
> The ICT Authority of Mauritius, to fulfill its mandate under Section
> 18(1)m of the ICT Act 2001, has implemented an internet filtering
> system. I am to believe that all of my internet traffic is filtered by
> the said system apparently hosted at ICTA. I could not find any
> mention of internet filtering in the My.T Terms & Conditions.
You have to assume so.
The wording of the ITC Act
https://www.icta.mu/documents/laws/ictact.pdf> doesn't mention ISPs, so
I'd guess that Orange is not legally responsible for the filtering, even
if they technically do it.
> Could you please let me know if Orange/Mauritius Telecom has a clear
> statement notifying its subscribers on how their internet traffic is
> filtered?
Good luck with that.
I think the first rule of censorship is to keep the details of the
censorship hidden.
Daniel Laeng
Software Developer
+230 5775 1037
Received on Fri Jul 17 2015 - 19:39:04 PST