Re: Filtering of Orange My.T internet traffic

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2015 01:13:02 +0400

Hi Daniel,

On 7/17/15 11:38 PM, Daniel Laeng wrote:
> That seems like an odd question. The paragraph is fairly clear: they
> are allowing themselves to *snoop *on your internet traffic, and report
> it to the government. It doesn't have anything to do with traffic
> filtering.

Precisely, according to My.T terms & conditions *they* shall examine and
disclose to third parties. As per ICTA website, the filtering happens at
ICTA and not ISP's. Technically, it is not the ISPs who are filtering
the traffic.

I do not have a clear answer on what happens when an IP address is
flagged in that system. So far, to all those whom I've asked the
question it seems like they are either scared to talk on this subject or
they totally ignore what it is.

If ICTA is applying the law as per the ICT Act, then they should be
clear about their mandate and not be reluctant in answering.

>> Could you please let me know if Orange/Mauritius Telecom has a clear
>> statement notifying its subscribers on how their internet traffic is
>> filtered?
> Good luck with that.

Thanks. I shall question and re-question, then re-question.

> I think the first rule of censorship is to keep the details of the
> censorship hidden.

The ICT Authority of Mauritius will say there is no censorship.


​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
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