Re: Poor Airbox Internet Speed

From: Akshay Ramdass <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 20:45:01 +0100

Thanks for the email you sent me _at_Deeya! But seriously, if I'm not getting
a call by tomorrow I'll have no choice than that of cancelling my

Applicant Name: Surendrasingh Ramdass
Address: 5 Brodie Street, Beau Bassin
Contact Number: 5855-8749

*Check the attachment.

On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Deeya Banee <> wrote:

> Dear Mr.Ramdass,
> I acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and sincerely regret the
> situation you are encountering.
> My name is Deeya Banee from Emtel Ltd. Being the Customer Experience
> Operator, your mail has been channeled to me.
> We apologise that you have been subjected to such a frustrating series of
> events. I would like to reassure that what you have experienced is not part
> of our integrities as we focus on valuing our customer by giving a good
> service delivery.
> I thank you for having brought the matter to us and kindly note that I am
> liaising with the installation team and shall keep you updated until
> resolution.
> Thank you for your patience and kind collaboration and should you require
> my assistance, do not hesitate to contact me.
> The Emtel team wishes you a goodnight.
> Kind Regards,
> *From:* Akshay Ramdass []
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 12, 2015 11:06 PM
> *To:* Sun
> *Cc:* emtel;
> *Subject:* Re: Poor Airbox Internet Speed
> 18 June 2015 --> I apply for airbox at Emtel's Rose-Hill showroom.
> 08 July 2015 --> They finally come at my place after several calls, I am
> eligible but they tell me they don't have a crank to fix the antenna and
> they'll get back to me in the next days (Seriously,? Why did they even
> bother coming? Couldn't they go get one?)
> 10 July 2015 --> I call Emtel and inform them of this incident, they
> question me and we kind of determine the technicians were just being lazy
> the day ( says she'll report to the department) and says that she's gonna
> call me back in the afternoon but never did....
> I feel the pain buddy :3
> Deeya
> *Banee*Customer Experience Operator
> Emtel Ltd, EmtelWorld, 10, Ebene Cybercity, Ebene 72201, Republic of
> Mauritius. BRN: C06006174
> +230 5 729 5400, , +230 5 422 0785
> ** <>
> * <>This email and all
> contents are subject to the following Disclaimer:“*
> **
> <>*”*

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Received on Sun Jul 12 2015 - 19:45:24 PST

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