Re: Review of Paper on Changes to Book III of Criminal Code, Mauritius

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:03:02 -0700

Hi Ish,

I see that you are using the national two letters in your domain name. :-)

At 10:12 12-07-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>I read your review [1] on the proposed amendments to the cyber laws
>by the Law Reform Commission (LRC). You raised some pertinent
>questions that would make every IT professional ponder whether he is
>breaching the law in his everyday task.

Thanks for looking into the document.

>While you reviewed Section 369I, you tossed identity theft vs
>impersonation. Indeed, that is an important point. Can we consider
>"phishing" as being identity theft? If a crime is committed by
>impersonating someone is that an identity theft?

Phishing usually leads to identity theft. Impersonating someone with
the aim to commit fraud would be a crime.

>The paper by the LRC is very vague and sadly I do not find IT
>professionals showing their concern on the matter.


S. Moonesamy
Received on Sun Jul 12 2015 - 18:03:29 PST

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