Re: Seeking Advice - Defamation + ICTA

From: I. M. Coonjah <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 06:26:00 +0400

Did you have your OB number from a police station where you gave this written statement?
If yes, investigation has to be carried out. 
Can you tell me, what did you lost and suffer from these comments and how often it is being done. Anyone is allowed to comment on fb, but what kind of words he used. Did he state your name while doing the comment?
You have the option to block him or remove him, did you try doing that.

If so, and the guy is still harassing you, then you have a strong case.

Is it a harassment or only a defamation case? Defamation is a very big word. Just check on any political group on fb, how many times both parties defame each other. And imagine the police has to investigate on all that, it will be a chaos.

My advice, get yourself your OB number, and then make a proper follow

The case he lodged against you and the one you lodge against him are two different matters. You can only refer to a case when he has been proven guilty.


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<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Ish Sookun <> </div><div>Date:08/07/2015 22:09 (GMT+04:00) </div><div>To: Akshay Ramdass <> </div><div>Cc: Cédric Poottaren <>, </div><div>Subject: Re: Seeking Advice - Defamation + ICTA </div><div>
</div>On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Akshay Ramdass
<> wrote:
> The thing is that the very same guy lodged a complaint against me too for
> supposed embezzlement at the police station of his locality. It's not only
> about having those removed but the thing is that my complaint for defamation
> is gonna play against him in court and will serve as an argument for my
> defense. It's a rather complicated matter and a long story. What I'm was
> expecting from ICTA was an investigation to be made as I'm planning to sue
> him afterwards for that.

Just to clarify, ICTA does not investigate, in my knowledge. That
would be the job of the cybercrime unit.

Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
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Received on Thu Jul 09 2015 - 02:26:23 PST

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