Re: Seeking Advice - Defamation + ICTA

From: DR <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 07:13:59 +0400

I've been through a defamation incident too on the net and FB.

All I can say is the police won't really do anything. However you can do
something privately as Defamation is a civil case too. Go to a lawyer
and issue him a "mise en demeure". You can claim financial damages (if
this affects your business, which it does).

Bring mails, screenshots etc to your lawyer.


On 09/07/2015 06:26, I. M. Coonjah wrote:
> Did you have your OB number from a police station where you gave this
> written statement?
> If yes, investigation has to be carried out.
> Can you tell me, what did you lost and suffer from these comments and
> how often it is being done. Anyone is allowed to comment on fb, but
> what kind of words he used. Did he state your name while doing the
> comment?
> You have the option to block him or remove him, did you try doing that.
> If so, and the guy is still harassing you, then you have a strong case.
> Is it a harassment or only a defamation case? Defamation is a very big
> word. Just check on any political group on fb, how many times both
> parties defame each other. And imagine the police has to investigate
> on all that, it will be a chaos.
> My advice, get yourself your OB number, and then make a proper follow
> up.
> The case he lodged against you and the one you lodge against him are
> two different matters. You can only refer to a case when he has been
> proven guilty.
> Irfaan
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Ish Sookun <>
> Date:08/07/2015 22:09 (GMT+04:00)
> To: Akshay Ramdass <>
> Cc: Cédric Poottaren <>,
> Subject: Re: Seeking Advice - Defamation + ICTA
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Akshay Ramdass
> <> wrote:
> > The thing is that the very same guy lodged a complaint against me
> too for
> > supposed embezzlement at the police station of his locality. It's
> not only
> > about having those removed but the thing is that my complaint for
> defamation
> > is gonna play against him in court and will serve as an argument for my
> > defense. It's a rather complicated matter and a long story. What I'm was
> > expecting from ICTA was an investigation to be made as I'm planning
> to sue
> > him afterwards for that.
> >
> Just to clarify, ICTA does not investigate, in my knowledge. That
> would be the job of the cybercrime unit.
> --
> Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
> - I blog at
> ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Thu Jul 09 2015 - 03:14:26 PST

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