Re: La cybercriminalité : la loi devrait être renforcée

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 2015 13:27:24 -0700

Hi Shelly,
At 10:20 06-07-2015, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
>Do you think that it will help to decrease cyber-crime rates?
>My personal opinion: NO! The only way to
>decrease cyber crime rates is to educate people
>and help them understand the consequences of
>such acts. Laws has been there for decades,it
>has not done nothing and things are worst.

The definition of "cybercriminalité" may be
broader than what you might view as
"cybercriminalité". One of the arguments for the
change is that there are special laws in
Mauritius to cover "cybercriminalité". There is the following:

   "Le fait, sans motif légitime, notamment de recherche ou de sécurité
    informatique, d'importer, de détenir, d'offrir, de céder ou de
    mettre à disposition un équipement, un instrument, un programme
    informatique ou toute donnée conçus ..."

Does the above make it illegal to own some types
of software unless the person can show that
he/she has a good reason for having the software?

There is also:

   "La participation à un groupement formé ou à une entente établie en
    vue de la préparation, caractérisée par un ou plusieurs faits
    matériels, d'une ou de plusieurs des infractions ..."

I doubt that people are even aware of the above proposed change.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Mon Jul 06 2015 - 20:27:59 PST

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