Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for publishing some information about the ICT Statistics Year 2014.
According to "Table 1 - ICT infrastructure as at end of year, 2010 -
2014" there are 11 Internet Service Providers which are providing
service to the public.
Is that the number of companies which are licensed as Internet
Service Providers or the numbers of Internet Service Providers
selling internet service to the public?
Do those Internet Service Providers provide internet service
throughout the entire island?
The definition of "Broadband" in "Table 2 - ICT access as at end of
year, 2010 - 2014" is internet speed equal or greater than 256
Kbps. The Broadband (download) speed is at least 2 Mbps.
The tariffs in "Table 4 - Selected telephone and Internet tariffs as
at end of year, 2010 - 2014" do not include any information about the
price of internet access for business.
Is a business in, for example, the business process outsourcing or
the call centre sectors using ADSL 2 Mbps?
What is the cost of, for example, a leased circuit to Paris?
What is the definition of "make transactions with government online"
in "Table 12: Persons aged 12 years and above using internet by
purpose of use , 2012 and 2014"?
There is the following for "ICT Quality": "The international internet
bandwidth per inhabitant increased from 9,462 in 2013 to 13,535 bits
per second in 2014". Could you please provide some information about
the methodology used to determine "ICT Quality"?
Does Statistics Mauritius collect information about e-commerce sales?
It is stated that "43% by the remaining activities such as
Manufacturing, Call Centres, Software Development and Website
Development". Is there a breakdown of the contribution of each of
these activities to the Gross Domestic Product?
S. Moonesamy
Received on Mon Jul 06 2015 - 18:58:03 PST
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