Hi Shelly,
On 7/4/15 8:40 PM, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:> Hello Ish and SM,
> I was wondering if it would be possible for you to forward us the mail
> you sent to the Officials about stepping down from the .mu
> Multi-Stakeholder Forum. If not, please state why.
I am forwarding you & the list, the message which I sent to members of
the .mu Multi-stakeholder forum. I snipped the full list of recipients.
There are other people on this list who may confirm if this is the email
which I sent to the forum.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Rules of the Mauritius Domain Name Association
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2015 21:06:27 +0400
From: Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in>
To: [...]
Dear all,
I sent you an email last night but all recipients with _at_govmu.org
returned me a "message delivery failure". I reported the incident to
contact_at_ncb.mu today [1] and requested to be notified once the email
service is up. I didn't get a message delivery failure from
contact_at_ncb.mu but still no one replied me.
Weeks after weeks we go by and we meet for 1 - 2 hours to discuss
"nothing concrete" about the future of .mu. We have reached a point
where a template has been proposed for an association. SM and I have
requested the permission to share that document and discuss the same
with the Mauritius Internet Users. We haven't received a reply.
No other member of the Multi-stakeholder forum ever sends an email to
brainstorm about anything. I'll be frank and maybe blunt here, I am not
interested in coming and having tea for free and listening about this is
an association and that one is not. I am interested in fixing the .mu
ccTLD. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the agenda right now.
It's more like regular politics where everyone wants to automatically
secure a seat; be it if they have any clue about the Domain Name System
or not at all.
I will not participate in further meetings of the Multi-stakeholder
forum as a member of the Mauritius Internet Users. I will send an email
to the Mauritius Internet Users shortly after this one. I did not
include the MIU mailing list in this message as it might hurt the
sentiments of some.
I feel deeply sorry for the state of .mu [2] right now and I am ashamed
of being an IT Professional in a Cyber Island crippled by people to whom
one needs to beg in order to get an email reply. I feel sorry &
suffocated in such a crippled environment.
Gentleman, ladies, I wish you good luck in your efforts to call for .mu
​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Mon Jul 06 2015 - 16:58:21 PST