Re: Where you work

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2015 23:00:23 -0700

Hi Shane,
At 21:52 03-07-2015, Vy-Shane Sin Fat wrote:
>I am technically self-employed, but I typically do work for
>different companies, maybe 2-3 different ones in a year, depending
>on project length. Do I need to send an email to this list every
>time I start a new project?

No. You do not have to do that once your have introduced yourself on
the mailing list. The disclosure is relevant is when the person is
discussing about a matter in which where he/she works may cause a
conflict of interest or where the opinion would usually be considered
as biased.

It is better to make a disclosure if you believe that there may be a
conflict of interest when you are discussing about a topic.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat Jul 04 2015 - 06:01:13 PST

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