Re: Facebook account compromised. How?

From: Sruti Jughdharree <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 00:47:00 +0400


The article really is confusing. It first gives the impression pornographic
stuffs have been posted on her Facebook timeline. Then when it says
'L'usurpation d'identite', it makes one think that a fake account has been

Nothing is clear!!

On 26 Jun 2015 00:25, "S Moonesamy" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> At 09:16 25-06-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>> The title says "Profil Facebook pirate" while the story goes like "videos
>> a caractere pornographiques circulaient sur sa page". I cannot discern if
>> the Facebook profile was compromised and pornographic videos were posted by
>> the account holder or videos were only *shared* on the page. You do not
>> need to compromise a Facebook account in order to share something on a
>> person's wall.
> I'll comment about the news article in L'Express. The title is about the
> President of the Republic of Mauritius filing a compliant with the
> Cybercrime Unit about her Facebook profile. The article begins with a
> sentence about pornographic videos. The second sentence is about the
> increase in identity theft. The third sentence is about the Facebook
> account of the President of the Republic of Mauritius being compromised.
> The second paragraph is about fake Facebook profiles. The third paragraph
> is about the fake Facebook profiles "causent des inconvénients aux
> personnes concernées". The news article ends with advice about verifying
> the identity of people on Facebook by asking for their address and their
> telephone number.
> I don't understand what happened to the Facebook profile of the President
> of the Republic of Mauritius. Some people might mix the fact that the
> account has been compromised with the circulation of pornographic videos.
> Let's get back to an important question, if the Facebook account of the
>> president did actually get compromised, then how? There are many ways that
>> a cyber criminal could employ to get hold of an account. One of the
>> mechanism would be to infect a machine that the person uses.
> The news article mentions an investigation is being carried out. I
> expected much more information than that for such a case. The advice given
> at the end of the article is not clear.
> There is a news article of an account being compromised at
> There is another news article at
> Those news articles are better written than the one in L'Express.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Jun 25 2015 - 20:47:15 PST

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