The article really is confusing. It first gives the impression pornographic
stuffs have been posted on her Facebook timeline. Then when it says
'L'usurpation d'identite', it makes one think that a fake account has been
Nothing is clear!!
On 26 Jun 2015 00:25, "S Moonesamy" <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> At 09:16 25-06-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>> The title says "Profil Facebook pirate" while the story goes like "videos
>> a caractere pornographiques circulaient sur sa page". I cannot discern if
>> the Facebook profile was compromised and pornographic videos were posted by
>> the account holder or videos were only *shared* on the page. You do not
>> need to compromise a Facebook account in order to share something on a
>> person's wall.
> I'll comment about the news article in L'Express. The title is about the
> President of the Republic of Mauritius filing a compliant with the
> Cybercrime Unit about her Facebook profile. The article begins with a
> sentence about pornographic videos. The second sentence is about the
> increase in identity theft. The third sentence is about the Facebook
> account of the President of the Republic of Mauritius being compromised.
> The second paragraph is about fake Facebook profiles. The third paragraph
> is about the fake Facebook profiles "causent des inconvénients aux
> personnes concernées". The news article ends with advice about verifying
> the identity of people on Facebook by asking for their address and their
> telephone number.
> I don't understand what happened to the Facebook profile of the President
> of the Republic of Mauritius. Some people might mix the fact that the
> account has been compromised with the circulation of pornographic videos.
> Let's get back to an important question, if the Facebook account of the
>> president did actually get compromised, then how? There are many ways that
>> a cyber criminal could employ to get hold of an account. One of the
>> mechanism would be to infect a machine that the person uses.
> The news article mentions an investigation is being carried out. I
> expected much more information than that for such a case. The advice given
> at the end of the article is not clear.
> There is a news article of an account being compromised at
> http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/23815868/president-obamas-facebook-twitter-account-hacked
> There is another news article at
> http://lci.tf1.fr/high-tech/facebook-le-compte-de-sarkozy-encore-pirate-6236893.html
> Those news articles are better written than the one in L'Express.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Jun 25 2015 - 20:47:15 PST