The article is indeed very confusing.
'«Personne ne crée de faux profils avec de bonnes intentions. Ces faux profils causent des inconvénients aux personnes concernées», réagit le sergent Robin Bhundoo, de la Cybercrime Unit. Souvent, dit-il, les auteurs de faux profils utilisent les noms de personnalités car «les gens vont faire confiance plus facilement».' There are so many people using the Internet nowadays and the number of phishing,hacking,fake profiles cases keeps increasing. The media publishes great articles about it and then .....nothing! Do they follow-up on such issues? What has been done to counter such problems? Has the Government look into this matter seriously? Did they do some kind of awareness?Do they inform students about it in schools? I know that there are some workshops on health organized in schools by NGOs etc What about the Internet and Technology?
'D’autres encore créent de faux profils et proposent des offres alléchantes afin de voler les gens. «Récemment, une personne a versé la somme de Rs 90 000 à quelqu’un qui prétendait vendre une voiture. Elle a fait le paiement auprès d’un prestataire de service, chez qui la source ne peut être retracée», indique le sergent Bhundoo. D’où la nécessité de vérifier l’identité de son correspondant avant d’expédier tout argent. «Demandez l’adresse et le numéro de contact à la personne. Et pourquoi pas, de vous envoyer une photo de son lieu de travail. Demandez-lui également de vous rappeler», conseille-t-il.'
I don't think asking someone for his contact details and address is enough. You can easily fake these information! A person can Google some addresses, get somebody's contact details and pictures and make it look genuine enough to con someone!
>The news article mentions an investigation is being carried out. I expected much more information than that for such a case. The advice given at the end of the article is not clear.
What i found weird was that L'express was the only one who wrote about it.
>There is a news article of an account being compromised at http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/23815868/president-obamas-facebook-twitter-account-hacked There is another news article at http://lci.tf1.fr/high-tech/facebook-le-compte-de-sarkozy-encore-pirate-6236893.html Those news articles are better written than the one in L'Express.
Thanks for sharing these links SM.
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 00:47:00 +0400
Subject: Re: Facebook account compromised. How?
From: saisruti1501_at_gmail.com
To: sm+mu_at_elandsys.com
CC: mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com; ish_at_hacklog.in
The article really is confusing. It first gives the impression pornographic stuffs have been posted on her Facebook timeline. Then when it says 'L'usurpation d'identite', it makes one think that a fake account has been created.
Nothing is clear!!
Received on Fri Jun 26 2015 - 09:42:16 PST