Hello S.M,
>There is the following in your blog article: "Using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be very beneficial means for delivering information to targeted audience about new products and services". Is there an example of that?
First of all sorry for the delay.
Yes, you see it every day. People are on facebook and other social networks at anytime of the day. Instead of displaying ads or offers on your website and wait for them, you reachout for the potential clients on these socials platforms because this is where they are. Moreover, on these flatforms you can interact with them almost instantly.
No more explanation needed. I guess you mush have experienced it yourself. :)
--- Original Message ---
From: "S Moonesamy" <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>
Sent: June 23, 2015 5:01 PM
To: "Cédric Poottaren" <cedric_at_jcplaboratory.org>, mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
Subject: Re: When domains redirect you to a facebook page
Hi Cédric,
There is the following in your blog article:
"Using social media platforms such as Facebook
and Twitter can be very beneficial means for
delivering information to targeted audience about
new products and services". Is there an example of that?
S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Jun 25 2015 - 19:11:36 PST