Hello S.M,
> Shelly and I discussed about the topic during
> tonight's weekly call. I'll use
> www.islandhaze.com as an example. The web site
> does not look interesting at all. The company
> has a Facebook page [1]. It is updated
> regularly. The question which the Facebook users
> asked is about price [2]. In that example the
> same question was answered seven times. As this
> is Mauritius, every teenager is on Facebook and
> those are the customers of the company. The
> company does not need a web site for its local
> customers. It could redirect its web site
> visitors to Facebook if it does everything in Facebook.
I do agree with you, but however, I believe it is a nonsense thing to purchase a domain and then redirect it to a Facebook page. Moreover,I usually but don't like to wait when will the Facebook page manager answer to mypost requesting for product details, price and so on. I want the information now and I need it to be readily available at my disposal I don't like having to request for it.
Furthermore, I do believe that customer approach for a company selling garments and one selling gadgets are to bedifferent.
These are my point of views and I can be wrong about them.
Looking forward to your comments :)
Cédric PoottarenSoftware Developer
Received on Fri Jun 19 2015 - 04:17:38 PST