Hello Ish,
I remember reading that for an assignment in my Information Retrieval
module around 2013. There were algorithms on how to use the user's current
location and deliver ads which is of interest to the user based on his
previous emails via data mining. Facebook also uses those types of
technologies to deliver the ads based on the content of our posts.
I might have seen it on a research paper as well or on youtube. I cannot
remember that exactly. I will search for it when I get more time.
Best Regards,
On 14 June 2015 at 12:22, Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in> wrote:
> Hello Abdallah,
> On 6/14/15 11:52 AM, Abdallah Ramsing wrote:
>> Interesting point you have made.
>> I do not know if Inbox by Google is different but once I came across an
>> article stating that normally the mail system uses location to send
>> targeted ads.
> Could you provide a reference to the article?
> People already specify their country when registering for Gmail. Now,
> isn't using the real-time location a bit too much for targeted data? I try
> to limit the information I give to online services. My 'current' location
> as per GPS information is one of them.
> Regards,
> --
> ​Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
> - I blog at HACKLOG.in.
> https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Sun Jun 14 2015 - 08:56:59 PST