Re: Google Inbox (Was: UoM among Multi-Stakeholder forum)

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 12:22:15 +0400

Hello Abdallah,

On 6/14/15 11:52 AM, Abdallah Ramsing wrote:
> Interesting point you have made.
> I do not know if Inbox by Google is different but once I came across an
> article stating that normally the mail system uses location to send
> targeted ads.

Could you provide a reference to the article?

People already specify their country when registering for Gmail. Now,
isn't using the real-time location a bit too much for targeted data? I
try to limit the information I give to online services. My 'current'
location as per GPS information is one of them.


​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Sun Jun 14 2015 - 08:22:35 PST

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