Re: Achievements

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 20:57:55 +0400

Hi Shelly,

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 8:30 PM, Shelly Hermia Bhujun <> wrote:

> We don't want to be one of these associations which exist only for the
> sake of saying that there is a 'big association' with a lot of members when
> everybody knows that the members only exist on paper. We prefer to have 60
> people who are fully active instead of 300 people having fun watching other
> people do the work. We could have had a lot of members if we were on
> facebook. We are not on FB because we are not interested in having members
> who are only interested in 'finding acquaintances' or clicking on the
> 'like' button even though they have no idea what they are liking.

​I agree.​

> I searched on Google for Mauritius Internet Users and i found the MIU
> archives on the second page. Do we have to do search Engine Optimization
> for the archive?

​I don't recall having asked a public archive for people looking for us on
Google. People who're interested in doing things will find the Mauritius
Internet Users. They will inquire & will get things moving. It only takes a
few people to achieve something. A lot of people only makes a crowd. It
depends on the person if he/she wants to be just another item in the crowd
or rather achieve something.​

> >Remember Morimode? the guy was thinking we were teenager sending angry
> emails...
> The feedback i received from the NCB workshop is that SM is young. It is
> indeed good to have young and energetic people among us.

​Interesting :-) Where you got that feedback from?​

> >Just an idea that is crossing my mind but what we could do is to write a
> manifesto like the agile one :
> Thank you Vincent, i do like the idea. Maybe we could discuss this in a
> different message.

​Do we really need that?​

> >Then we go to all companies and associations asking them to backup our
> objective by signing it. We create a website to get more visibility (piece
> of cake) get a logo to brand our image and we finally contact the press
> (when everything is done) to federate the public.
> We are indeed fortunate to have talented people in our mailing list who
> can design websites and logos.

​Again. Do we really need that?​

> >Then organizations such as ICTA, NCB and others will maybe listen as they
> know that we are representing something :)
> So the problem is, organisations such as ICTA and NCB are not taking our
> suggestions into consideration because we're not a registered group. It
> seems like they do not like free consultancy maybe they are just too
> accustomed to paying foreign expert and ignoring local talents. Is there
> any guarantee that they would pay attention to us if we were a registered
> group?

​The good thing about NCB is they do good catering service. I liked the
food :-)
As for the rest, their website is dull, Infotech event is a bazar, they do
not respond promptly to queries/emails, ​if you want to participate in a
workshop you have to be the president or vice-president of some
association. So, even you are a president but you got no brain, they will
welcome you to a workshop deciding the fate of the country; but if you're a
bright person with no title, they will bar you from every event.

ICTA asks a Mauritian to stay quiet but would be willing to pay a couple of
millions to a foreigner & organize a full-day conference to listen him say
the same thing that the Mauritian had to say.

Some government bodies have email problems while others act dumb when you
ask questions.


​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
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