Internet/bandwidth situation in Mauritius

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 16:06:26 +0400


An article published in[1] highlights the bandwidth situation
in Mauritius. The article mentions the following :

*« C’est tout simplement une relation très incestueuse entre l’État
mauricien et la Mauritius Telecom, soutenue par notre régulateur l’ICTA,
qui est censé être indépendant. »*

The above sentence could sound amusing but it reflects a serious situation
in Mauritius which many people tend to ignore. Is the ICT Authority really
independent? I sent a first email[2] to the Executive Director of ICTA
beginning of the week and a second one after 48 hours regarding a question
about Internet Filtering in Mauritius. I did not receive any answer.

The article further mentions :

*« L’île Maurice est tout simplement en situation de monopole, voire de
duopole, où les puissants opérateurs ne se battent pas pour faire baisser
les tarifs Internet, ni pour améliorer la connexion, mais plutôt pour
faire plus de profits aux dépens de l’avenir de la population. »*

What is the role of consumers in the improvement of Internet in Mauritius?
From the article one could conclude that the ISPs are more concerned about
their own profits rather than advancement & competitiveness of the ICT
sector of Mauritius. Therefore should Internet consumers (businesses &
individuals) simply accept the situation while ICTA acts blind.

It would be interesting to hear folks from ICTA explaining why we cannot
have 100Mbps local access at the price of Rs 949.



​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
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