Hello all!
Yes, it’s the article based on the interview I had with one of the “L’express” journalist during the Developers Conference on the 23rd of April.
Thanks a lot ! :)
Oh yes, I emphasized a lot on the issue we had with the previous Government of Mauritius about recruiting foreign experts/consultants while there are more competent or even equivalent people (skill-wise) to those so called “experts” here itself on the island. The question was about if Mauritius could become a “Smart-Island” in the coming years and I answered accordingly.
My answer covered:
* This will depend on our government, motivation provided
* The upcoming work-force, that is the growing generation == degree holders
* If the graduates have the required competency or just being “paper-based people” – people who just know things in theory
* Academic intuitions tend to be more theory in teaching other than to be more practical, which the markets is actually expecting from us.
* Financial Support
* SMEs
* Etc.
That’s all what I covered.
Thanks !
Tejas (Nirvan) Pagooah
CTO at Graphics Temple Ltd,
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-----Original Message-----
From: mauritius-internet-users-bounce_at_lists.elandnews.com [mailto:mauritius-internet-users-bounce_at_lists.elandnews.com] On Behalf Of Loganaden Velvindron
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 10:30 PM
To: S Moonesamy
Cc: Nirvan Graphics Temple; mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
Subject: Re: Informatique: ces jeunes développeurs en herbe
2015-04-27 15:28 GMT+00:00 S Moonesamy < <mailto:sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> Hi Nirvan,
> I saw your name in the news article about "Informatique: ces jeunes
> développeurs en herbe" (
> <http://www.lexpress.mu/article/261727/informatique-jeunes-developpeurs> http://www.lexpress.mu/article/261727/informatique-jeunes-developpeurs
> -en-herbe
> ). Congratulations. :-)
> You were quoted as saying: "Comment nos talents seront-ils reconnus à
> l’international si l’on persiste à prendre des experts étrangers alors
> que nous avons des personnes hautement qualifiées à Maurice ?"
I was surprised to learn about Mauritians working for EA Sports, and apparently even for CERN.
It shows that people of high caliber can be found in Mauritius, and we should stop wasting time & money hiring foreign consultants, because other countries are quickly taking advantage of Mauritian brains :)
Received on Mon Apr 27 2015 - 19:26:35 PST