2015-03-22 1:05 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> Benoit and I spent a few hours discussing about the operation of a ccTLD.
> The estimated cost is around seven million rupees. We agreed that the
> acceptable cost which we could recommend for such a project would be four
> million rupees.
If we think about building our own mini-DC to host .mu then yes it will
cost in the seven millions. I propose a scalable infrastruture. Having a
bunch of physical metals we end up being like "gov.mu" which used to die
during peak time. A good infrastructure isn't just about expensive servers
but rather how they interoperate.
> Other software which is needed for the technical operation. There are
> only a few persons in Mauritius who have experience with that type of
> software. The employees will have to be able to implement changes.
Engineers with an ISP exposure will surely grasp the technologies. If we
look at learning application operations as if learning Greek from scratch,
then we should forget it. People having had exposure to manage critical
applications & services are usually proactive and if they're committed then
it's better. If I can't switch from one application to another in a short
lapse of time, then my engineering skills are a waste. One doesn't learn
applications but the technologies behind them and then you gain expertise
over each of those apps.
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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Received on Sun Mar 22 2015 - 06:26:31 PST