2015-03-20 22:13 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> Are you willing to write the entire proposal/document for free? How long
> do you require to write the proposal/document?
​No. I cannot write the entire proposal as it will also comprise of
information outside my expertise. I can contribute on the infrastructure,
setting up of servers & applications part​. I can "write" for free if due
credit is given but I do not work for free. I consider writing as a help
but applications setup is work.
To avoid ambiguity, what you sent earlier is a cost breakdown only. A
proposal is more detailed with each part explained, like for example
details about load balancing, networking and all.
A roadmap for the proposal submission will depend on who else is working on
the same. If I work alone, I will need time to research and document
segments outside my expertise, as mentioned earlier. However, if I am asked
to propose only the "applications" part, I can hopefully submit my share of
work in two weeks time (assuming I'll dedicate a few hours per week).
Which French ISP is that?
​I work for Stella Telecom[1]. More about my professional résumé can be
found on Linkedin[2].​
> Congratulations for being offered a seat on the ICT Advisory Council. I
> hope that you will support the Mauritius Internet Users on the issues which
> we have been discussing on this mailing list.
​Thank you. Yes, I will share the views and credit MIU as and when the
meetings are called.​
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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https://twitter.com/IshSookun> ^^ Do you
Received on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 18:53:32 PST