On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in> wrote:
> Hello SM,
Point 4 that I missed is that SM fits the criteria of being both a
Mauritian and an Internationally recognised Trusted Community
ED25519 in DNS SSHFP was opposed by cryptographic standard bodies in
the US. SM was the first person to publish a formal specification for
ED25519 code point allocation in the IETF.
The chair of the cryptographic working group was affiliated to the
National Security Agency.
The view of all OpenSSH developers was that it was not possible to get
IANA to approve the code point allocation. SM successfully drived this
I therefore believe that he cannot be influenced easily, and in the
Interest of National Security, he fits the bill. I do not know of any
other Mauritian matching all of those criterias.
_at_Ish, perhaps you know someone else who can fit those requirements ?
> 2015-03-20 20:30 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
>> Hi Ish, Nadim,
>> Ish, please do not forget the document.
>> At 20:05 19-03-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>>> If we're to come on a consensus, I suggest the .mu problems should be
>>> studied, discussed and resolved by a team of people having hands-on
>>> experience in several of the mentioned fields; not by with whom they're
>>> affiliated to.
>> How much would the above cost? How long will it take to complete the
>> work?
> Commenting and contributing ideas through a mailing list is easier but
> working on a proposal/document requires more resources, in terms of time and
> energy. I would not want to dedicate my time if the work ends in a drawer. I
> would be very willing to contribute to the .mu forum if the committee agrees
> upon my participation.
> I would not be comfortable if I or others contribute through the mailing
> list while little or no credit is given to MIU for the work achieved.
> How can I contribute? I know about IT infrastructure, design and
> implementation. I understand high-availability and security. I can help with
> preparation of a proposal.
> For the sake of transparency, I am a Team Leader (System) in the Research
> and Development wing of a French ISP. I have previously worked for a
> European telecom company and another French hosting provider. I am well
> versed in datacenter operations, Unix\Linux System Administration and I
> build services on applications such as Bind, Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd,
> MySQL/MariaDB, Postfix, Squid among others.
> I was recently offered to be part of the ICT Advisory Council[1], to which I
> have accepted. For those who want to know, the ICT Advisory Council as per
> the ICT Act 2001 (as amended) comprises of a team of people advising the
> Ministry on matters related to Information and Communication Technologies.
> For more information please see Part VII Section 35 of the ICT Act 2001.
> I have arrangements with my employer that cater for my needs to be available
> during community and user group activities. I am the PRO of the Linux User
> Group Meta, Advocate and Local Coordinator for openSUSE and LoCo Team
> Contact for Ubuntu.
> Should the committee require my presence during a meeting to discuss the
> preparation of a proposal, I shall attend.
> [1] https://www.icta.mu/documents/laws/ictact.pdf
> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
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> https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 18:48:29 PST