The original question was:
"I have been reading about our NO NEED of foreign consultants and so on.
Even though, i quite agree with it, i only wanted to say:
Who is the lead in organising the DEVCON MRU?
Food for thoughts to me."
And the subject was "patriotic feelings or nationalisim?"
What you're replying is Linux admins don't organize DevCons. Anyways. Dunno
what's this question's purpose is.
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Ish Sookun <> wrote:
> 2015-03-20 14:31 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <>:
>> I am not interested in organising a DEVCON as there are already other
>> groups in Mauritius such as Linux Users Group Meta and Mauritius Software
>> Craftsmanship Community which are interested in software.
> I don't see the need for Mauritius Internet Users Group to organise a
> Developers Conference. It sounds more appropriate under the banner of
> MSCC[1] and yes, Jochen has done a great job.
> LUGM[2] on the other hand has organized events such as Linuxfests,
> Hackfests, Tech demos in the past. We also have an Ubuntu Mauritius team
> which from time to time organizes events[1] such as Ubuntu Hour, Global
> Jams, Release Parties etc.
> SM is right about why should he organize a DevConf when the above
> mentioned groups are doing it. Now, how each group organizes it that's
> another issue, which is of no interest to be debated here.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
> *- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
> * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+*
> * |H|A|C|K|L|O|G|.|i|n|*
> * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ *
> * <> ^^ Do you
> tweet?*
Received on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 11:09:18 PST