2015-03-20 14:31 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> I am not interested in organising a DEVCON as there are already other
> groups in Mauritius such as Linux Users Group Meta and Mauritius Software
> Craftsmanship Community which are interested in software.
I don't see the need for Mauritius Internet Users Group to organise a
Developers Conference. It sounds more appropriate under the banner of
MSCC[1] and yes, Jochen has done a great job.
LUGM[2] on the other hand has organized events such as Linuxfests,
Hackfests, Tech demos in the past. We also have an Ubuntu Mauritius team
which from time to time organizes events[1] such as Ubuntu Hour, Global
Jams, Release Parties etc.
SM is right about why should he organize a DevConf when the above mentioned
groups are doing it. Now, how each group organizes it that's another issue,
which is of no interest to be debated here.
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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Received on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 11:00:33 PST