2015-03-18 23:58 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> I can ask for another member to be added to the .mu Select Committee. I am
> not asking it is that there are currently seven persons on that committee.
> I already gave my verbal approval to the Ministry for two more members to
> be added to avoid a decision of the Multistakholder Forum from turning into
> a minor issue. Although it would be good to have another representative
> from the Mauritius Internet Users I have to see that there is progress.
I am sure you will know when is the right moment to call in other members
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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https://twitter.com/IshSookun> ^^ Do you
Received on Thu Mar 19 2015 - 10:22:44 PST