Hello Sandeep.
I confirm that I had the same problem at around 12:20 AM last night. I
lost connection and I tried rebooting my Livebox, but the problem was
still persistent.
I see that the problem has now been resolved, my internet connection
working fine.
On 6/6/2016 12:51 AM, Sun RS wrote:
> Hello,
> My internet connection has been interrupted 30 minutes ago. I am from
> Port Louis. I tried to reset the livebox twice but didn't notice any
> improvement.
> The livebox interface indicates "négociations en cours "
> I tried calling the hotline 8902 but nobody is answering.
> My neighbor just reported he has the same problem.
> I would be grateful if you could elucidate this mysterious problem?
> Your Paying Customer
> S. Ramgolam
*Tejas (Nirvan) Pagooah*
CTO, Graphics Temple
Received on Mon Jun 06 2016 - 04:54:17 PST