Re: Contributing information

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 13:31:48 -0700

Hi Gopal,
At 12:30 19-05-2016, Sarvapali Ramchurn wrote:
>your question was actually addressed at the panel session and we
>proposed some solutions for this. People tend to believe Waze will
>use too much data - that tends to be one reason for the poor take
>up. Waze is also unknown to many people. You need a critical mass to
>make it work and you can get that by talking more about it in the media.

Thank you for the prompt reply.

The response about data usage was from Mr Sookun. I agree that there
is a (incorrect) belief that Waze uses too much data. There isn't
any App, except for the Facebook App and WhatsApp, which has been
able to reach anything close to critical mass in Mauritius. College
students [1] are usually viewed as early adopters of technology. The
approach I am familiar with is to start by generating interest
through the internet instead of traditional media. It is not
possible to do that when the target group experiences connectivity issues.

S. Moonesamy

1. On the island, this would be university students.
Received on Thu May 19 2016 - 20:32:35 PST

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