Users, from the community[1] I moderate, have reported several DoS
attacks(i.e Flood by sending massive amount of UDP packets) targeted at
their gaming servers which were hosted locally. The attacks appeared to
originate from the IP address "" and happened during the
time period of "18:39 to 19:53 (GMT + 4)" today (i.e Tuesday February
23rd 2016). Similar attacks happened throughout the year of 2015 and the
same user is suspected to be behind these previous attacks and the
recent ones.
I would be thankful if the necessary investigation is done as we
(members of the aforementioned community) also suspect the same user to
be behind other cybercrimes.
Jules Michaël Giovanni
http://www.fastmail.com - The professional email service
Received on Tue Feb 23 2016 - 17:50:47 PST