RE: No evidence of engagement

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2015 14:36:06 -0800

Hi Eddy,
At 13:31 02-11-2015, Eddy Young Tie Yang wrote:
>This is quite concerning, given the country's cyber-island aspirations. And,
>judging from the collective experience of this list, the Open Data
>initiative (and, in fact, the entire development of ICT) looks like an
>uphill struggle.
>When did it go wrong? Back in 2000, the BPML (then MFA) was given the reign
>of realising the cyber-island dream. During my time working there, we were
>very engaged in popularising Internet access. We were responsible for
>building the "cyber coach" and toured the island on it. Granted, on many
>occasions, the stops in villages were just excuses for government
>propaganda, but at the time one could sense a real drive behind the
>cyber-island concept. In fact, MFA (or part of) turned into the BPML and
>oversaw the development of Ebene, so what happened next?

What happens next is that the island got Call Centre City. :-) It is
up to the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation to
determine what went wrong.

The following is part of a reply [1] from the Chairperson of the ICT
Advisory Council:

   "In other words, there is no provision in the law for you to engage
    with the Council directly. But you can do it through your three

The person did suggest the following:

   'If you would like to "engage" with the ICT Advisory Council as a
    consumer, then you can do it by communicating with Ish, Logan or
    Fabrice who will then bring the matter to the Council."

Why should it be a struggle to engage with a government
agency? Shouldn't it be up to the government agency to reach out to
local groups instead of it being the other way around?

If you read the reply, you may notice that the names of only four of
the ten members of the Council was provided. I suggest trying to
find out the information to determine whether it is difficult or not
to get access to information.

S. Moonesamy

Received on Mon Nov 02 2015 - 22:36:31 PST

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