Dear S,
As per the ICT Act, the Council consists of -
- a Chairperson (me)
- a representative of the Prime Minister's Office
- a representative of the Ministry of ICT and Innovation
- a representative of the Ministry of Finance;
- a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development;
- a representative of the Joint Economic Council;
- a representative of the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- 3 other persons representing the interests of consumers, purchasers
and others
These 3 other persons are Ish, Logan and Fabrice Alladee-Blatch.
Now, the important thing to understand is that Ish, Logan and Fabrice
represent consumers during our monthly meetings. If you would like to
"engage" with the ICT Advisory Council as a consumer, then you can do it by
communicating with Ish, Logan or Fabrice who will then bring the matter to
the Council.
In other words, there is no provision in the law for you to engage with the
Council directly. But you can do it through your three representatives.
Naturally, in our Internet era, this might seem old-fashioned but this is
the way all Councils operate in Mauritius (and other countries for the
matter). Will that change in the future? Probably.
Hope this clears any misunderstandings.
Avinash Meetoo
On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:45 AM, S Moonesamy <> wrote:
> Hi Ish,
> At 10:00 20-10-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>> Unless the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation decides
>> to listen to the ICT Advisory Council, the latter will be regarded as a
>> "rubber stamp".
> Thank you for confirming that the ICT Advisory Council could be regarded
> as a rubber-stamp.
> The council isn't vested with super-powers but citizens of Mauritius are.
>> How many people so far have shown interest and complained to the TCI
>> Ministry? The issue being, everyone is afraid of being bullied at work
>> through shadowed political influence. As long as people will be scared and
>> remain docile, no one will bother whether Ish, Avinash or Logan are trying
>> to push forward something.
> The subject of the emails which I sent to the Ministry of Technology,
> Communication and Innovation is about internet-related matters or
> technology. I have discussed about similar subjects outside Mauritius.
> The lack of discussion about the internet in Mauritius might explain why
> there isn't anything interesting happening.
> I sent several emails to the Ministry, did anybody bother? I (you and
>> Logan as well) struggled for transparency in the .mu Multi-stakeholder
>> forum, did anyone in the TCI Ministry bother? Who have tolerated such a
>> culture? It boils down to be citizens.
> The minutes of the last meeting will show that I discussed about
> transparency with the Chair of that forum while Logan and you remained
> quiet about the issue.
> Why can't there be a polite and open discussion with the ICT Advisory
> Council? How can the ICT Advisory Council understand the consumer's
> concerns if there isn't any engagement with the consumer?
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
*Avinash Meetoo*
*Founder and CEO of Knowledge Seven*
Me: 5493-9394 <+23054939394> +
Work: 427-9225 <+2304279225> +
Received on Wed Oct 21 2015 - 05:12:05 PST