Hi Ish,
At 10:15 02-11-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>I do not consider any connection below 100Mbit/s as high speed in
>2015. As a member of the ICT Advisory Council, my opinion on the
>internet speed in Mauritius has never been asked.
Avinash Meetoo [1] sent the following comment when I asked about
internet speed: "I'm sure that better bandwidth will be part of the
issues to be covered". My opinion from the above is that the ICT
Advisory Council has never discussed about internet speed over the
last eight months.
According to
http://issuu.com/mrcouncil/docs/hpc_leaflet_programme_final the ICT
Advisory Council is working on High Performance Computing
needs. Were you asked for an opinion about that?
>My latest activity within the council has been to request the
>"annual reports" of the ICT Authority for years 2012/13/14. That
>request may have met some deaf ears.
On 21 October, the Chairperson [2] of the ICT Advisory Council stated
that: [he has] "made a request for the latest ICTA reports to be
circulated to all members of the Council". As you have not received
any of the "annual reports", it looks like the request of the
Chairperson of the ICT Advisory Council has been ignored by the
Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation. I'll copy this
message to the other members of the ICT Advisory Council as I would
like to have their opinion about this.
S. Moonesamy
Received on Mon Nov 02 2015 - 18:49:05 PST