Re: Introduction

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 00:30:45 -0700

Hi Daniel,
At 23:55 23-10-2015, Daniel Shaw wrote:
>While I do work for an internet-related organisation, my interest in
>contributing to your list is in my personal capacity as a long-time
>internet user, and specifically as an internet user in the Mauritian
>internet eco-system.

Does your company prevent you from contributing to internet-related
discussions as a long-time internet user?

>I belive I have value to offer in that regard, so I am somewhat
>disappointed that I am prohibited from doing so, just because of my
>employment. Whereas someone who does not work for an organisation
>similar to the one I do can participate in their own capacity.
>That is hardly fair.

There isn't any conflict interest issue in the case of that
person. Would there be any possible conflict of interest issue in your case?

>I would suggest that he does not, as he is not authorised by AFRINIC
>(to the best of my knowledge) to represent the views of the
>organisation in a public forum. So really, whatever he writes *can*
>only be his personal views.

The mailing list archive is publicly accessible. You can find out
whether he spoke for AfriNIC.

>But my point is that other readers may not realise that. Forcing the
>use of business addresses, with no further information can put all
>users of the list at risk of inadvertently mis-reprenting their organisations.

There hasn't been any such issue. A few of the subscribers actually
make it clear whether they are asking the person in a specific capacity.

>A simple way around this is an intro template that you send out to
>each new subscriber when they subscribe that makes it clear that
>neither them nor anyone else already on the list write representing
>any organisation or employer, unless they specifically state in a
>post that they are.

Please see my comment about conflict of interest.

>In other words a disclaimer for the list and all it's participants
>in general that is widely circulated, I think, would be an acceptable solution.

There are sometimes disclaimers from email addresses. I
commented about that on 22 May.

At 00:14 24-10-2015, Daniel Shaw wrote:
>However, if I am mailed directly, and the list is in copy, and I
>feel a reply is warranted, I may still reply to all. I feel that all
>those in copy would deserve to see the response. I will likely do
>that from a personal address in future though. I hope that does not
>cause any issues. I'd suggest that if that is a problem, that no one
>copy me and the list in emails.

I agree that all the persons in copy deserve to see the
response. You can verify that it is already done.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat Oct 24 2015 - 07:31:53 PST

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