Re: Mauritius Internet Exchange Point Adventures

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 02:32:44 -0700

Hi Logan,
At 23:13 22-10-2015, Loganaden Velvindron wrote:
>Is this how a cyberisland or a smartisland is supposed to operate ?

I am interested in the internet in Mauritius. That is not the same
as the "C" or "S" mentioned above. I can explain how some internet
stuff works. Please keep in mind that I do not have expertise in
everything related to the internet. Your mail archive might contain
a copy of an email about the MIXP which I sent to the Ministry of
Technology, Communication and Innovation on 1 February.

An Internet Exchange Point is usually not government-led. It is up
to (private) businesses to understand the value of having a neutral
venue to exchange traffic. An issue in Mauritius is that there was a
monopoly for historical reasons. Another issue is that there is what
is known as a "telco" mindset.

On another mailing list Cyril Bouthors commented that the "biggest
issue here is bandwidth, more than latency". Web developers tend to
view that as the issue. It is likely because most web developers in
Mauritius look at the internet from an outsourcing point of view.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Oct 23 2015 - 09:33:09 PST

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