On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 7:29 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Shelly,
> At 10:29 07-09-2015, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
>> Anybody willing to attend?
> The conference does not look interesting to me.
> 1.http://smartcitiesmauritius.com/
>> Smart Cities Mauritius .com? why not .mu?
> The web site uses a free hosting service. The organizers probably choose
> ".com" as it was cheaper.
> It would be indeed beneficial to know if there will be any follow up after
>> that conference as well as visibility on what they discussed about.
> The purpose of the conference seems to be networking instead of am event
> where there would be a follow-up after the conference.
> 3.The agenda seems pretty nice but is it really about new ideas?
> It might be new for people who are not familiar with the topics.
> Smart Cities is not only about getting new technological devices,
>> futuristic buildings etc
>> Isn't the primary concern about the culture itself?
> I gather that you meant the know-how to apply technology to solve the
> problems of a city.
> Are we ready to implement such innovative concepts?
> In my opinion, we are not currently ready.
> Talking about Smart Cities- we are actually facing so much issues with
>> connectivity be it for personal use and for business.
>> Shouldn't the Government worry about this first? Everybody is talking
>> about Internet of Things nowadays why we are very far from being able to
>> connect to the Internet Properly.
> I did a search. I could not find that many reports about connectivity
> issues affecting consumers. Why should the government worry about
> connectivity?
> Where is everybody talking about the internet of things?
> Is the Government really aware of the events organized so far regarding
>> technology and its citizens?
> The events about consumer software or hardware are a very small part of
> technology.
Hi SM,
We organized a Linux meetup a few days ago on improving Internet experience
using Linux & Open Source software. We didn't receive any help from any
governmental organizations, either in kind (money for projector, drawing
pad, and a mobile connection) or sponsorship for fostering a more vibrant
Open Source community in Mauritius.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Tue Sep 08 2015 - 14:37:14 PST