Re: Internet Service in Mauritius

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2015 09:30:48 -0700

At 12:16 PM 8/1/2015, fluxy wrote:
>Who suffers from poor internet?
>Non IT Business Users
>IT Business Users - I am mentioning this separately because having
>worked in the sector, I am aware of the potential of the sector and
>to which extent this affects us. This is literally undermining the
>economy and stopping its progress. This is an issue of national interest.
>Home Users - Many people do not realise the internet is bad. Of
>those who do, the majority suffer silently. Next many complain
>randomly on facebook. Fewer than those, actually a lot fewer,
>participate in this mailing list. Finally the enlightened
>individuals, actually complain to the authorities.

I have heard a few complaints from business customers. However,
there isn't any record of those complaints to verify whether they are
valid. I noticed that some residential customers (home users) view
their internet applications as working correctly even though the
performance is well below the standard due to internet connection or
local (WiFi) issues.

>Why this is bad? Recent events seem to suggest that the situation is
>not going to change, even if new ISPs enter the market. The modus
>operandi remains a constant.
>Internet Service is bad, people complain randomly and in a dispersed
>manner. Existing ISP doesn't live up to expectations. Governments
>change. Nothing happens, until a new service looms up ahead.
>Hype about a new service.
>Mass marketing with super convincing ads.
>Free installation
>The first wave of subscribers get good service and pass on the good word
>People rush and user base increases
>Service becomes execrable
>Go to 0.
>Occasionally the government may change and/or price may be decreased slightly.
>What can be done? There are peole of knowledge, who know how to
>evaluate quality of internet, but their number is few (compared to the mass).
>Change can only be brought by the mass. People need to be educated
>on the issue and made to understand the need for action.
>How? Let us build a website, in order to:
>Communicate clearly what poor internet means
>Allow user to test if their connection is poor
>Inform them why that is bad
>Tell them what they can do - complain to their ISP, cc to ICTA and
>ICT Minister
>Help them do it - provide the necessary forms, make it easy to fill
>and keep track of it

There may be abuse. Someone will have to find ways to prevent that
from happening.

>We will also massively promote the website - primarily through
>facebook ads and google ads, then through social media sharing, and
>then if we get the funds through traditional paper ads. If we can
>enough exposure and make it to the papers this can gather enough momentum.
>The wording on the web needs to be simple and translated in 3
>languages: English, French and Creole.

It is a good idea to have a web site to inform residential customers
about the quality of their internet connection. It would require a
continuous effort from several persons to build such a web site and
maintain it. The main issue is to have someone who will volunteer to
convince people to make the above possible.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Sun Aug 02 2015 - 17:08:35 PST

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