Re: Stepping down from .mu Multi-Stakeholder forum

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 22:16:24 +0400

Hello Shelly,

On 7/4/15 8:40 PM, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
> Ish, I would like to know why you did not inform us before sending the
> mail to the officials of the Multi-stakeholder forum.

I read the email by Benoit about the $1,500 that is being claimed by the
current .mu registry. I am a representative of the Mauritius Internet
Users in the .mu Multi-stakeholder forum and frankly speaking, I cannot
help Benoit. I feel crippled & embarrassed. Other members of the forum
have barred me from speaking outside the forum. However, they would not
understand the seriousness of the $1,500 issue. I prefer to step down &
try the .mu awareness through other means.

> I am profoundly sad to read about your disappointment. I guess we're
> left with only one MIU member representing us at the Multi-Stakeholder
> Forum to carry out one of the two initiatives of the Mauritius Internet
> Users. I understand your decision for stepping down but it makes the
> work more difficult as there is only one representative now.

Yes. I understand that. However, as I said, I could do more from outside
the forum than being in the forum. I guess the Permanent Secretary of
the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation won't have
reasons to complain to me if I post every .mu mishaps on my blog; if I
write my analysis of the Government failures with regards to the .mu ccTLD.

> I was wondering if it would be possible for you to forward us the mail
> you sent to the Officials about stepping down from the .mu
> Multi-Stakeholder Forum. If not, please state why.

I refrained from adding the mailing list in the message I sent to the
forum because of some emotional people who get unnecessary tension when
they see their email address will be seen by many. They expressed the
discomfort before. I sent an email to all members of the forum asking
them if they object to me forwarding that message to the list.


​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Sun Jul 05 2015 - 18:16:44 PST

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