Hello SM,
On 7/4/15 7:32 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> My usage of English is sometimes adapted to fit the local context.
> Please ask questions if there is any doubt about what I wrote.
I notice you have started using lines like automatic signatures of
government emails.
> I'll commend you for your efforts and the time and energy which you have
> contributed for free. I am not comfortable sending the following
> comments. It is unfortunate that Shelly has been quiet about this matter.
> Is anyone forcing you to agree to anything?
Yes. The current structure & unbalanced composition of the .mu
Multi-stakeholder forum is including me as one of the persons who is
deciding the future mis-management of the .mu ccTLD.
By structure I mean;
i) the way communication happens, only meeting invitations are sent
through email, no other pre-meeting discussions happen.
ii) some people do not read the emails prior to attending the meeting,
it causes waste of time as you have to re-read for them; on top of that
they have problems to follow.
iii) several times discrepancies were noted in minutes of meetings and
it is not easy to explain the Chairperson the sensitive nature of
"agreeing to something you did not say".
iv) some things I voiced out never made it through the notes of the
By composition I mean;
i) people with technical expertise on the Domain Name System (there was
a question in one of the meetings about the "zone file" and several
people in the meeting lacked expertise to understand what it is).
ii) few people are looking at the technical issues.
iii) few people understand the mis-management of .mu ccTLD.
iv) people are allergic to transparency and accountability.
> From what you wrote above it seems that you stepped down so that you
> cannot be blamed in future if the .mu re-delegation fails. Didn't you
> think about that when you volunteered to be a representative? Weren't
> you aware that the work will be very difficult?
I stepped down because because my voice, as member of the Mauritius
Internet Users isn't given importance. As long as I am on the .mu
Multi-stakeholder forum I will be barred from talking about the .mu with
people outside the "forum" and the press. I believe I could reach out to
more people and explain them about the .mu issues on my own rather than
solving anything through the multi-stakeholder forum.
I am voicing out the .mu ccTLD needs to be fixed & better managed. The
.mu Multi-stakeholder forum looks like the wrong venue to do that.
I apologize to you, Shelly, and other members of the Mauritius Internet
Users if you believe I have failed you.
​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Sun Jul 05 2015 - 18:03:23 PST