Re: Emtel Airbox Packages

From: DR <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 18:01:53 +0400

Oh come on Jochen!

Yes.. humans like me. Exactly. When, all that you do all day is pick up
the phone and answer a specific set of questions, all written on an
"answer sheet". And when a new product comes out, naturally there is
also an "answer sheet" for that particular product (they didn't plan
this release overnight). And when, even if you don't know (precisely
because we're still human), you FIND OUT... then I don't expect to be
told the wrong answer.

And another thing. My company releases features on our own products too
(ie our platform). Try ringing my guys up and see if you get a wrong
reply. We're only 5 people here with a budget probably much less than
one of an Emtel's director's car. Nobody has to ring us up and "speak to
the right people" here. When the "wrong person" picks up our phone, they
DIRECT you to the "right people".

And that's my point Jochen.. and I think it's a perfectly valid point at

Dhiruj :)

I don't classify this as an emotional outburst.

On 21/06/2015 13:51, Jochen Kirstätter wrote:
> Hi Dhiruj,
> Those people are also humans like you, and errors may happen...
> Anyway, there will be an Airbox for corporate coming (soon). And what
> are you ranting about 3-5x prices when there is no official
> information or even a product yet? Totally uncontrolled and
> ridiculously erratic reaction on your side. Sorry man, but that's just
> not the right behaviour to show to the rest of the world and having
> stored in a public archive!
> Well, just saying, and maybe some golden advice: Speak to the RIGHT
> Emtel has its on own department for corporate/business customers, and
> the showroom employees might not be the right ones to talk to about
> such inquiries.
> PS: I forwarded your "emotional outburst" to an Emtel Corporate
> Account Executive...
> Chill out, dude! Cheers!
> --
> Kind regards, Jochen
> Founder of Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community
Received on Sun Jun 21 2015 - 14:02:19 PST

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